I have some habit of scrolling my Facebook account whilst doing my assignment. I saw one of my lecturer posted a status which is really interesting. Feel free to read. Don't worry, I ask for his permission to upload. * * * To keep in mind When a group of people laughs, people instinctively look toward the group members they feel closest to (or want to fe…
Read moreI am no kidding, this is my table browsing for some informations on the cloud. You know you are in Out-patient Clinical Training when time flies so fast. In two days, I am going to end my week 4 of this attachment and entered my very final week of OPD. InsyaAllah Amin. With the same rolling routine every nights, in which you need to study, to search for th…
Read more( My kind of hot drink is with no sugar. The 5g of sugar is just for photo-material) So, someone told me, coffee is a hug. As a loyal tea drinker, I never give a chance to my eyes and to my tongue to see and to taste many variations of coffee. Though, tea and coffee contain caffeine, however, each of it has a different percentage of caffeine, in which in …
Read moreDemocracy- rule of the majority. Not rule of the right or rule of the correct. We live in a world in which perception on what is right and wrong is ruled by the majority. This differs among nations, states and even ethnicity. To measure what is acceptable and needed by a particular group will dictate what politics is needed in play. Should racist remark be used. Wha…
Read moreApart from family, there's one thing that we could never live without. Friendship. Every people has their own way to express how much they love their friends and how much friendship is so valuable for some people. Some will spending their times together, some will bla bla bla and bla bla. After all, the objectives of all these, just to cherish the friendship. T…
Read moreIt's weekend that I have always been waiting for the whole working days. It's weekend that is the best day to start doing silly things, exploring places, cafe hopping, and of course a good time for the body to gain extra weight. Well, the last word is not cool. Listed all the to-do-list on a piece of payperr and settle them one by one. One thing for sure,…
Read more[ WhatsApp Conversations] Darling, can you please help me to book a flight ticket to KL next week? Oh, sure dad. I charged you with 6% of GST and 54% of service charge, is that okay? 😜 Okay Dad, what's the details? *details given* Few moments later,.. Dad, done !. You may transfer me the money with the total charges of RMXXXX, since I am your da…
Read moreHai, hari ini, saya akan berkongsi ilmu pada hari ini. Silalah baca dengan penuh penghayatan dan semangat untuk berubah. 1) Apa itu obesiti dan bagaimanakah obesiti boleh berlaku? Obesiti adalah satu keadaan dimana pengumpulan lemak berlaku dalam tubuh badan seseorang sehingga mengakibatkan pertambahan berat badan yang tidak normal. Obesiti ini berlaku …
Read moreWould you like a little poem or something? Wait, I'll try. 15 minutes passed. Little rose blooming beautifully by the hill Moved by the wind and sometimes stay still Your colour seems to fade, and I ask, are you ill? Or are you missing home cause I can feel But don't you worry little rose Don't let your colour spill Sometimes distan…
Read moreGood Evening everyone, yesterday I had a mishmash of feelings after waking up from my evening nap. Not so good. So, the feeling says, it's better to be home. Though it was only a week in KL, but I desperately want to go home. Heart says that too. However, I am back to normal today, with normal feelings and stable emotions. Anyway, evening nap is not reall…
Read moreGosh, I still find time to blog regularly even though, my TWENTY FOUR SEVEN HECTIC SCHEDULE NEVER END, which proves that this is really a labor of love. * * * My flight from Sabah was on Saturday and arrived around 5 pm. Supposed to reach college before the night. Mannn , I should blame the people who create this quote, living your life to the ful…
Read moreBorneo-born blogger who loves singing, enjoy reading and blog about everything. !