Do not brag, action is the thing that matter the most.
Read moreBila aku fikir semula, dunia hari ini memang membataskan kita dengan keluarga. Dengan jadual kuliah yang padat, kerja yang bertimbun dan sebagainya. Kadang-kadang, aku terfikir jugak la macam mana mao jadi anak yang sentiasa dekat dengan ibubapa. Walhal, aku memang stay kat asrama sejak dari form1 lagi sampai lah masuk universiti. Bila baca newsfeed kat face…
Read moreBeing an option means you are insignificant. Ignore them.
Read moreJumpa dengan budak-budak dari course lain, lantas mereka berkata : " Asal nampak kurus ni"..... Kemudian aku pon berHEHEHEHE menunjukkan betapa senangnya aku dengan kenyataan mereka itu. Hehehe.
Read moreOf how much I feel scared over you, I thank God of having you as my supervisor. You taught me many things. I thanks my parents of the traits that I got from them, of how much you angry to me or to my group, I still be thankful of you were my supervisor. Thanks Dr. Deep down inside, I love you. May this heart be with me forever. Ameen.
Read moreOf how much I think, Coco Chanel said," woman who does not wear perfume has no future" Really? I accidentally bumped into one of this perfume video on Youtube, and I starting to set up my mind to wear perfume. I actually have the gut to do so. Lol.
Read moreI managed to unlock one of my thousand wishes today. The route is in front of me, allowed me to walk on it. Good Luck Dear Princess !
Read moreIf you come to Sabah which is the second largest state in Malaysia, you can either choose to enjoy the scenic view of Kundasang which resembles the New Zealand as the local says OR you can choose to experience the mesmerising view of its underwater world in Semporna which has been nominated as one of the beautiful island in the world. Kundasang (Ranau)and Semporn…
Read moreCan I pretending like I am a really significant person or girl in this universe? 1) I am a really old-school teenager* ( young woman) in this century, as I put Starbuck or Coffee Bean or San Fransisco at the bottom of my restaurant/cafe/coffee shop preferences. In fact, I don't really like coffee or sweet beverages. To be honest, tried some of the hipster f…
Read moreHalo everyone from all over the world. Ada yang stalk aku kah? Helooo... Percayalah, Aquaria KLCC tidaklah sebesar yang disangkakan. Jangan mudah tertipu dengan segala agenda promotion. Sekian.
Read moreIkan, walaupon tinggal dalam air laut yang masin, tetap tidak jadi masin, walaupon tinggal dalam air tawar, tetap tidak tawar. Ikan tetap rasa ikan. Jadilah macam Ikan.
Read moreEra kata, Allah saja turunkan seseorang untuk yang mampu membuatkan kita hilang rasa sabar untuk melihat sama ada kita ni jenis sabar atau tidak. Selama ini, kita memang seorang yang sabar dengan setiap perkara yang berlaku dengan momentum yang sama. Tiba-tiba, Allah tinggikan momentum tu dengan hadirkan sesesorang yang lebih berkredibiliti untuk Allah lihat…
Read moreSementara menunggu ujian JPJ untuk dapatkan lesen memandu, aku try-try jugak lah memandu kereta ayah. Pada suatu hari, aku nak sangat-sangat memandu dan kebetulan Kak Men nak beli barang sedikit, and then, biasalah orang jakun, aku pon volunteer. Everything went well, sehinggalah sampai kat rumah aku. Mungkin terbuai dengan perasaan yang aku dah pro. &quo…
Read moreWhile waiting for Aily's flight to be landed, I searched through the airport of how its layout and which shops are suitable for shopping. According to the schedule , he should be landed at 9.05 am from KL, but then, haze striking in Sabah's air, forced the pilot to fly to Brunei and they were stranded in its airport for almost 4 hours. I waited for 6 h…
Read moreI once tried to run from the saddest reality (read:hurt) of how am I gonna live my life this semester. I let my positivity vibes spreading around my soul, but it did not work. The first 3 days of the semester , marked how happy I was because of this universe has been kind to me as it allowed me to create my own paradise, until the fourth day arose...... q…
Read moreAku rasa dalam waktu aku praktikal ni, semuanya adalah sangat-sangat great, kecuali waktu menunggu mao punch card. Lambatnya memang mencabar keimanan. Bila staf hospital siap scan thumb print, pelajar praktikal pula, menunggu mesin punch card untuk bernyanyi menunjukkan pukul 5. Alkisahnya, disebabkan, ramai pelajar dari Cosmopoint yang praktikal di sana, dan…
Read moreSebenarnya la kan, aku ni orang yang lebih prefer buat individual work berbanding group work. Jadi, bila aku dapat praktikal di sini sorang-sorang dan dapat assignment pulak, aku rasa aku working with my own pace. So I control everything about myself and my time. Dietitian suruh buat kajian pasal food wastage di hospital likas ini. So pada minggu kedua, semua propo…
Read moreHari ini, bos-bos paling baik di dunia telah membelanja saya makan tengahari kat OneBorneo. Best sungguh feeling dia bila bos belanja makan. Semoga bos - bos saya pada masa akan datang berasal dari golongan yang baik-baik macam mereka ini. Oh tidak, saya ingin menjadi bos. Oleh itu, saya berharap saya menjadi bos yang baik dan cemerlang seperi mama dan bapa sa…
Read moreNobody knows the dynamicity on someone's mind okey, so last week , I bought a return ticket from Kota Kinabalu to Tawau just to spend a night at my home. Truth be told, I missed my parents so much. Dad told me to sleep in their room because they missed me so much too. When I remember that, it makes me want to stay by my parents side only. TO : Mom and D…
Read moreSetelah hampir 5 minggu, aku berjaya menjadi butcher sambilan tolong Alyn dan Alex, akhirnya pada hari ini, jari aku terhiris pisau yang tajam dan besar dek kerana memotong sayur itu. Aku rasa, aku ada bakat berlagak cool dalam keadaan yang mencemaskan. Betapa menggigilnya badan aku, namun aku cakap, takpa pon, sikit ja, but you never know , how scared I am. h…
Read moreBorneo-born blogger who loves singing, enjoy reading and blog about everything. !