Dear Daddy, Happy 59th Birthday . To be exact, tomorrow was the day, February, 23. I hope you know how much I love you. How proud I am of being your daughter. The daughter of a kind and lovely man. I love you so much. You are so lovable, charismatic and of course a serious employer to his workers. Your name suits you very much. So much. I love you so much, Dad. No…
Read moreAnd then, I started the semester!
Read moreSo today, I went to Tabung Haji and I met some 'friend' of mine. I don't know whom. The fact that, that boy seems to know me, and apparently said , "sombongnya, mentang-mentang dah lama tak jumpa". You know what, If you were a friend of mine for a long time, I wont forget your face. And what was funny, that 'friend' was wearing a shad…
Read moreAnd then, mom told me to change to another skincare product. I started using skincare when I was 13 years old. Just the cleanser. It was Clean and Clear by Johnson baby, I knew this from my bestfriend, Mia. At that time, I had 'group' of pimples on my forehead, same goes to Mia. And I lived with that product for only 3 years. When I was 16, I started hav…
Read moreUp until now, I believe the power of lotion. When I got scars, I applied the lotion onto my skin, whenever i got bitten by mosquitoes or insect, ill straight away applying the lotion on my skin. 2 days ago, my sister asked me to take care of her kids because she needs to go outstation for a few days. and today, I told my niece to apply lotion on her skin to re…
Read moreBila Ina datang bilik aku dan buka almari nak 'pinjam' baju. Dalam masa yang sama aku masuk bilik Ina, buka almari nak 'pinjam' baju.
Read moreBila kau terkurang milo dalam kek batik dan obviously nampak tak sedap. Dengan kehadiran anak-anak saudara kat rumah semuanya licin habis. Aku terfikir, sapa nak habiskan dua loyang kek batik ini? Dengan kuasa Allah yang memberi nafsu makan kepada budak-budak, maka licin la kek batik aku. Alhamdulillah. (Kek batik resepi dari eyaeyo, thanks mand…
Read morePerang dunia ketiga selalu terjadi bila si bongsu balik rumah. Selama ni aku jadi anak tunggal di rumah, bila c ina datang rumah, dia pulak berlagak senior dari aku, padahal aku yang lahir dulu. Derhaka sungguh!. Takkan dia tak bangga ada kakak yang baik hati macam aku ni?!!
Read moreSapa pernah yang ada perasaan macam aku ni? Dulu, aku tak puas hati kenapa dalam berita atau dalam tv atau dalam buku teks semua tulis JAM 7 PETANG!. Kenapa dia tak tulis jam 7 MALAM ? Kalau ikut cuaca kat sini pukul 7 tu dah gelap gelita da! Tapi sekarang aku dah faham. Sebab dorang nak ikut waktu semenanjung ja, dorang tak ikut pon waktu sabah. Sepatutny…
Read moreOkey, last time aku ada cerita pasal aku g Taipei, and tak lama lepas tu ada gempa bumi kat Taiwan, Allah's blessed you with so many things, kami tak berada di negara tu waktu gempa bumi, sbeba waktu tu dah balik Malaysia. Praise to Allah the Almighty :). Ini adalah serba sedikit kesimpulan yang aku boleh buat untuk percutian ke Taiwan. BAJET First thing fi…
Read moreWhen you are at home, and its sem breaks. you remember the date but not the DAY. I REALIZED TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY!
Read moreHave you ever felt jealous over someone's life? Yes or No?
Read moreThe moment when I positioned myself next to mom, together watching tv. After a while, she turned the channel and stopped at channel 118 on Astro. GO SHOP. Mesmerised by the items and the promotions, mom then asked me to open the cloud and surf their website. As expected, she totally fall in love ya know. She stared everything in details, and keep on express…
Read moreBila kau tengok anak- anak saudara kau gaduh dan mengadu kat kau, lepas tu tak sampai seminit, dorang kawan balik. "Cuncun, jom la kita bekawan semula (sambil tighten up their pink fingers), sebab abah angah dengan daddy cuncun adik-beradik, jadi kita tak boleh gaduh okey? "
Read moreTadi aku tengok TV ngan mama aku pasal satu drama Melayu kat TV3, kebetulan dalam cerita tu budak perempuan tu tunggang motorsikal. Aku pon cakap la kat mak aku, " Mak, kawan-kawan aku semua kat KL semua pandai tunggang motor, susah mao cari yang x pandai" Pas tu mak aku pon reply, " Asal na bang a'a semenanjung, kamemon sigam hek ata'…
Read moreBorneo-born blogger who loves singing, enjoy reading and blog about everything. !