Orang yang pandai menggunakan tukul, akan anggap segala-galanya adalah paku.
Read moreLast night, I was sleeping really late. Like burning the midnight oil, but I was not. I just can't sleep, and I decided to do my " sahoor " at 3 am, and sleeping around 4.30 am. And, yes, I woke up really late, around 1 pm, but then, I keep closing my eyes, turns out I woke up on 3pm. Went to shower. Not a good behavior to do during this holy mo…
Read moreWhen I was living my matriculation life, I remember how much I was afraid of not getting A for my Biology subject during finals. I read everything, and I just feel I don't get anything. It was almost 3 am, and I was going to the bathroom to wash my face. I asked my friends next door, how she was doing on this subject? does she read all? and she said, YES, and…
Read moreAnd, your way is not always full of roses. There must be a thousand of thorns on it, for you to feel how the beauty of your struggle is, when you achieved your target. Of course. And, along the way, you will be meeting a group of people who practices religion so deep and so beautifully, and somehow you will be meeting a bunch of people who used the religion for th…
Read moreAnd there was a day on a lecture, someone told me that I am always pleasing people. Do I? Somehow I feel I don't, and I actually don't. I am pleasing myself. As for me, the word pleasing people is not a suitable one. Can we replace it to " respecting" people? It's not I am pleasing people, I am respecting them. We are all the same. How billi…
Read moreI can say, I got everything evolved. I thank my parents of everything I had, of the love they shared and give me, what else I can asked for? But I always wondered, how does it feels to be a daughter of someone? how does it feels to be a daughter of a ministers and how does it feels to be a daughter of a beggar?. Have you ever think of that?
Read moreThose were the days, when I really wanted to be someone so perfect, but I could not. As I browse through the cloud and I see how someone's life so beautifully liven, I really wanted to be one. But I just can't. And there was a time, someone came to me and said, "how I really wanted to be like you have the brain, you have the voice and you have almos…
Read moreYou'd rather say "Hi" to me instead of caught in hiding. If you know what I meant.
Read moreWithout any people knowing, I actually had my own wish lists. Virtual list you say. Praise to the Almighty, I managed to achieved all that!. So, In my age of 22 years old, June 12th, 2016, I officially released my own Wishlist. 1) Travel to Europe after graduated 2) Going to Japan for the summer break. 3) Start a bussiness >> I really need a mi…
Read moreTadi saya guna aplikasi Smule. Kalau sapa tak tau, Smule tu aplikasi yang orang guna untuk karok tu. Dengan tidak semenanya, hujan pon turun dengan lebatnya. Buruk sangat ke suara saya ni. hmmm. LOL HAHAH.
Read moreSehari sebelum ramadhan, kemudian Yen Yee, wo zhongguo pengyou pon bertanya , " Kalau puasa nanti kami kena minum dalam toilet kan? dan orang Islam tak boleh makan dan minum, dan telan air liur pon tak boleh kan? Keesokkan hari nya, Yen Yee pon nak minum air dengan muka serba salah, and keep on saying sorry. Yen yee, ni hen ke ai.. haahahah!
Read moreEver since I have known what the globe is, I always wanted to go Switzerland. Ya!. I wanted. Really.
Read moreDearest Junior, Nak pesan sikit boleh? jangan la nak kontrol ayu atau cantik atau ter'crush' pulak kat senior, a.k.a abam hensem la, Sebab sebenarnya dorang tidak la seperti yang korang sangkakan, semua budak senior yang korang minat tu, da pernah tido berliur atas meja kuliah. ewwwww.. nak ke? Hahaha Sekian, Bye.
Read moreBorneo-born blogger who loves singing, enjoy reading and blog about everything. !