Basically, delicious yet unhealthy foods every now and then are one of my guilty pleasures. I don't like it and like it anyway. The reason was because, I knew what I've eaten and how does impacted my body weight and health in general. So, as a normal human being, it is impossible to eat healthy foods in total.
But, I'll make sure in a week, I balance my nutrition because, when you really dive into healthy eating foods and obsess
Honestly, I will liberalize my food selections whenever I'm eating outside. Eating out by means will require you to spend some amount of money, and yet you want a deliciously served foods and that's where the term "Cheat Day" started. The golden key: just eat in moderation and be mindful of your portion.
In this
The idea of having foods as your appetizer or dessert show, at least how you care about your fiber intake. It's not trying to force myself to be a healthy eater, but, fruits are honestly my kind of snacks and I really like eating fruits. If you look at this photo of the fruit consumption that I took, the amount of calories is ~150- 200 kcal . This is considered as one of the healthy snacking when we eat outside, chocs poured onto the plate is to make up the taste and to blend the sourness from the strawberry, and of course to make it even looks appealing.
Pastries & Cake
Pastries & Cakes are always having a place to fulfill my stomach, and of course pastries are always on the top of the list. Now, if you look at the main ingredients of the pastry, it's a dough of a flour, water and shortening, eggs, sugar combination and of course sugar. We treat this as a dessert or some snacking for your evening snacks or probably morning tea?. Many people think, having a dessert will add up their calorie intake and the answer will absolutely yesssss ! But come on, there is a reason why, the meal planner came up with the word "Dessert".
In which it means, to clear the table and the meal!
In which it means, to clear the table and the meal!
In fact, people who eat at irregular intervals, the desire for desserts may result from a large burst of insulin after a heavy meal! The sudden "jump" in insulin causes a rapid decrease in blood sugar levels and thus increases the desire for sweets!
However, although dessert is also important for your body. Frequent consumption of sweets is also harmful for your body. What I can suggest if you have a sweet tooth, is to avoid eating desserts which contain large amounts of sugar and fat. As it will adversely affects your health, for example - eating cake with cream/ chocolate with caramels /Starbuck Drink, with cream /with sugar with caramel/ waffels with sweet topping and of course cakes. The golden rule is just to take it in moderation.
As a Malaysian who have a diverse culture, high fat and high
And a BIG YES to this Jalapeno Cheese Bagel!, Jalapeno is also known as "Fat
Credit to the uploader .
One of the secrets if you want to have a food
Experience suggested, Sushi is one of the foods that can increase your
Creamy salted egg pasta! For this kind of food, it is obviously a high calorie density, so, this food ordered was meant to be tasted only. A little bit review on this meal; this pasta is suitable to taste only. The more you eat, the more you feel queasy. For those who does not eat eggs like me, I recommend you not to order this.
This is one of my favorite and recommended
Thanks for reading!