I got a lot of questions from instastory (I am really active there) regarding our staycation activities. Some of them I answered & some I ignored. So, I am making a blogpost to answer some of the questions that I got.
1) Aily and I agreed that we can't travel overseas until Mikael is 1 year old.
2) It's very hard for Aily to take leave, because he handles operation of his company, especially early and the last month.
3) We prefer to enjoy short distance vacation as of now.
4) We spend less than RM1.5K for our staycation.
5) Aily works as an executive but, I am not sure of his title, in which I always address him working as an engineer, as the term itself is self-explained, so I saved my time explaining, because I also do not know what to explain and how to explain about his job?
6) Somehow, I felt bad spending RM55 for nasi lemak, but the reason for our staycation is to enjoy every luxuries there
7) I have mixed feelings about spending thousands for 1 night. Happy, because we can manage to experience the opulence at the particular place - had we travel overseas, we probably need to keep on calculating expenses, due to the currency exchange. Sad, ah, because of the hard earned money is wasted in only 1 night. But, the percentage of happiness to sadness is 80/20. So, its cool.
8) You guys also asked about our salary range which is quite P&C, but we are earning an amount that can feed our lifestyle. So, in that sense, it's quite comfortable.
These are all I could answer for now.
Thank you for reading . XOXO.