Last year, we were pledging to help women with PCOS, and again, we show results, where 90% of our PCOS clients showed an overall improvement. From body weight to regular menses to manage to conceive.  What makes it even more interesting, we have 1 Diet Ideas baby. Our amazing lady who managed to get pregnant after the program with Diet Ideas and successfully deliver her baby :) It's really so amazing!

This year, we're pledging to make Malaysia free of diabetes. We saw an alarming rise where our youngsters started to have type 2 diabetes as early as 25 years old, and pre-diabetic at the age of 24 years old. What went wrong actually? We could not blame all the yummy foods, and we could not blame the urbanization, but we are really lacking with awareness of the importance on nutrition. How food can help us heals and prevent health issues in the future. That's what we are doing today at Diet Ideas! To solve the future problem. 

With that,this year, Diet Ideas is taking a pledge to help in improving people's diabetes, so that, their kids won't see diabetes as a normal disease, because that's happened when we interview our young diabetes clients. 

At the end of the day, we do not want to see our kids dealing with multiple pricks daily! 

Confidence in our work and the data that we have, where 100% of diabetes clients have shown improvement of their overall health with Diet Ideas. Hence, we are not scared to offer money-back guarantee to our clients if they did not see improvement within 3 months with Diet Ideas, after they applied what we have educate them. Because, everything that we do at Diet Ideas is personalized to your lifestyle, to your culture and to what you love! 

So, if you are someone who have diabetes problem, weight management issues or any health conditions that you want to heal with foods and diet. Please feel free to connect with Diet Ideas or simply whatsApp our amazing dietitian for a free nutrition assessment and to enquiry regarding the program. 

Please help us to spread the words about us and check our website and social media for more information. 

Diet Ideas Social Media are as follows: 

Instagram (@bydietideas)

Facebook (Diet Ideas)

Website (