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Today, I am going to talk about politics. The wild international politics. How much ignorant we are to the political things happen around us, but at least we get some knowledge on this matter. Palestine, Israel & Trump, are the wild issue revolving around us.

Do you know the reason why some people listen to Trump? Because of the power and the money. But, do you know why some people also against him? yes, his decision- disrespectful of  the Palestinian and no sense of leader-relationship to the Palestine's president himself. 

In case if you don't know - Trump has announced the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This announcement was finally created despair and angry from the Palestinian itself as well as from the international man who concerns on this matter.

The issue of owning this land was happening almost thousands decades ago, up until now- brought to our age. Even the King Saudi, telephoned Trump to think about this decision again, as this will escalate the regional tension, and yes- Palestinian became the minority in their own land.

This issue includes religion, peace, dictatorship, and everything in one, worse to worse, global stability. What do you think on this issue?

" Aku tidak akan melepaskan walaupun segenggam dari  tanah ini (Palestina),kerana ia bukan milikku, tanah itu milik umat Islam. Umat Islam telah berjihad mempertahankan tanah ini dan darah telah menyirami darah mereka. Yahudi silakan menyimpan harta mereka" 

"Jika Daulah Khalifah Uthmaniyyah, di musnahkan suatu hari nanti, mereka boleh mengambil Palestina tanpa membayar harganya.Akan tetapi, sementara aku masih hidup, aku rela pedang tajamku menusuki tubuhku daripada melihat tanah Palestina di khianati dan dipisahkan dari Daulah Uthmaniyyah"