"Selamat Hari Raya dan jangan lupa makan kuih raya banyak-banyak tau Widad" I told her before we end our conversation.
"Xbole la akak, Widad da kena tegur dengan Dr".
I will be doing and practice all the things that I have learnt throughout the years of studying. Like calculating my energy requirement and my BMR according to Harris-Benedict Equation which is really close to all the Dietetics and Nutritions students out there and doing menu distribution based on the exchanges
Reference Book For Dietitian : Masfara Wahidah AR 2016
This is the most important book for us during our clinical year and can be used forever.
So, here we go.
According to Harris-Benedict Equation:
BMR : 655.10 + 9.56 (wt ) +1.85 (ht ) - 4.68 (A)
BMR = 655.10 + 9.56 (60) + 1.85 (162) - 4.68 (22)
= 1425.
Energy Requirement : BMR x SF x AF
ER = 1425 x 1.0 x 1.2
= 1710 kcal/day
Hence, my energy requirement for a day is 1710 kcal , since I want to reduce my weight so I need to reduce 500 kcal for a day, hence my ER is only 1210 ~ 1200 kcal/ day.
With the distribution of
Carbohydrate: 50%, Protein
Let's see how is the distribution of the calories go. I writed it on the paper as I need to improve my skills. Pardon me for my bad and not organized hand-writing .
Can you see everything look like a mess and not been done neatly? Not being a defensive person, but here are my justifications :
1) I NEVER practice doing this almost a year and this is my first time recalling back the memory of doing this food exchanges . This resulting of the so-mess-up-handwriting-plus-not-having-liquid-paper-to-erase-the-mistakes. So, I used the black permanent marker to erase it.
2) I need to rush as I timed myself to do this. Reduce the duration of making the exchanges. I don't have the time to erase it, to creating a new content on a new paper. Just go along with the flow!.
Thank you for spending your time on this!