I am dancing tonight, 
Twirl, Leap and Spin, 
Of a Mozart and Beethoven,
I dance with my feet,
For it to bleed, 
Cause I was wearing a glass heels, 
In which it breaks, 
Hurt my feet like hell, 

It was midnight, 
Need to run to go home, 
Before the Pumpkin Car turns to be a plant again, 
Before the entourage turns to be a rat again, 
I don't want to be in a rush, 
That I left another pair of my glass heels.

Cinderella's history left with a happy endings, 
For which the prince desperately searching for his pair of heart,
But, I am not your Cinderella,
Why bother to leave hall before 12?

For that I believe, 
Shod in silk, 
Would be better, 
Like other maidens, 
Because I was not your Cinderella, 
That glass heels tore the flesh of my feet. 

... And because I was dancing alone.. 
... And I should have dance with my heart full of passion, not with my feet that shod a glass heels.

All right reserved to Masfara Wahidah Abdul Rahman